Monday, April 20, 2009

My Brain Hurts...

Now, I hear a lot of crap about the WASL, but I never got what all the fuss was about. I'd made it through the Reading, Writing, and Math WASLs without too much trouble, but today (and now tomorrow), I took the Science WASL.

Well, it was difficult.

Biggest understatement of the century. I was pretty much in H-E-double-bendy-lines for the whole nearly-3-hours I spent in that classroom. The hardest problems were the ones where they tell you "Write a procedure", and give you a big space to write in. That's it.

By the time I walked out of there at 10:20, this is pretty much what I felt like:

I actually felt TIRED after that test. I'm really nervous about tomorrow, too.



  1. Poor Andy, I guess when you got your dose of the Brinkerhoff Smarts, they must have pushed the off button too soon. Right as it was getting to Science.
    Good luck tomorrow!

  2. Wow, if it made YOU tired, it MUST be a killer test.. Good luck on part II!

  3. I am sure you will have done great, it's a lame test anyway. So regardless we are proud of you!

  4. The science WASL is especially silly. From what I have seen at the 5th and 8th grade level, you have to write everything exactly according to the formula your teacher has been giving you all year. Maybe your teacher has taught you usefull stuff instead.
