Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Classic Rodney and Jim Wednesday

Click for full size...

Well, it's October once again (okay, so October 1st is tomorrow, but close enough, right?), so for the whole month, I'll be re-running the series of Halloween "Rodney and Jim" strips for those who missed it the first time, or those who want to see it again.
Enjoy! And Happy October!
Andrew Brinkerhoff has left the building...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Classic Rodney and Jim Wednesday

Click for full size...

What better way to end the summer than reminisce about all you did over vacation, eh?
Andrew Brinkerhoff, out.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Classic Rodney and Jim Wednesday

4th of July 2008, we went out to Uncle Richard's lakehouse on Mason Lake, and a bunch of Aunt Dorothy's family came over. One of her nephews, Travis, came up with some crazy ideas for fireworks, one of which was totally awesome: a "Quaker Oatmeal" can filled up with powder from various mortars. You can watch the video here.
So I got the inspiration from that for the first 4th of July Rodney and Jim strip, and Travis made a guest appearance! He actually made a few other cameos, including the 4th of July strip for this year...
Andrew Brinkerhoff, Ciao.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Classic Rodney and Jim Wednesday

Click picture for full size...

The two start their own cooking show, and we learn something about Rodney's mom that would become a common theme later on...
Andrew Brinkerhoff, Ciao.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Classic R&J's on Wed-Nes-Day!

Since it's premiere back in March 2008, I've created a total of 73 Rodney and Jim strips. I also just recently finished a series of 9 postcards made by the duo on their "vacation".

I decided that every Wednesday, as new strips are going up every Sunday, I would start doing reruns of my older strips from ages ago. Even though they're pretty old, they'll still give anyone a laugh you'll need in the middle of a long, hard week at work (or school!), or for those who have been following the strip for a long time, you may remember some of these!!! ENJOY!

First off, though, let's start with the VERY FIRST RODNEY AND JIM EVER MADE:

This was made a long time before I started making the bigger strips, as I had wanted this to be a daily with a big Sunday version on, well, Sundays. But Dad insisted it would be really grueling for me to have a strip ready EVERY DAY, so we just did it on Sunday. I made 11 of these six-panel strips, with 2 Sunday strips in between, before I decided to just stick to Sunday format we all know and love today.

Tune in next Wednesday for the next one!

My Junior Year Begins!

Hello, everyone! Just got home from my first day at school as a Junior!

Here's a list of classes I'm taking this year:


Teacher: Mr. Wyckoff

This looks like it may be interesting, and not just because I believe all of those scenes on TV shows or in movies when you mix chemicals the wrong way... anyways, we learned about a few things, and got some more info on the periodic table that I didn't know before, so I'm looking forward to this one.

Period 2: U.S. HISTORY I/II

Teacher: Mr. Herbert

Meh, not really intrigued about this class at this point, although it could be interesting, maybe. We won't get to do some of the cool crafts we did in World Cultures last year, but not all history is boring (What could be better than tossing giant teabags into the Boston Harbor?).


Teacher: Mr. Burmester

Again, I really wasn't a fan of Algebra II (though I did it on the internet with no teacher there to ask for help right away, so I could be biased), so I'm not sure what to expect here. We just did a quick review, and then learned about REAL numbers (as opposed to "imaginary" numbers, which we'll learn about later on), and the subsets: natural #s, whole #s, integers, rational #s, and irrational #s. We got a short, easy assignment (the only homework I got today, unless you count the syllabus from U.S. History I need to get signed and return tomorrow for 10 points, 5 if later than that) that I finished in the following class, which is...


Teacher: Mr. Byrnes

In 5th grade at Whittier Elementary, we were given the option to start playing a musical instrument. I chose the trumpet, and Mom gave me this older one from a friend she worked with before he left for somewhere. So it's not brand new, but I learned to play, going from sounding like a sick elephant (or any other animal), to actually making music. I played up to 7th grade, after which I started going to Internet Academy, AND got braces on (trumpet + braces = INSIDE-LIP PAIN), so I stopped playing for a while. Two years to be exact, though I got it out every now and then, and could only play for 20 minutes or so. I may get these things off soon, though, so I decided I'd get back into band. Too bad we didn't play anything today; we just filled out a form saying what instrument we played and whether we needed an instrument provided by the school.


Teacher: Mr. Aziz

This is self-explanatory, but we had an... ODD start. We got our teacher's, Mr. Aziz, last name written in Arabic on the whiteboard, and how it meant "Almighty". Also, "Abdul" meant "Servant" (sorry, Paula). He said he wanted to broaden his mind by learning more languages and becoming more aware of the world around him. He wanted us to be aware, too. So maybe tomorrow we'll do more English (I wonder if he teaches Arabic for another class).


Teacher: Mr. Ogden

Don't ask about the "III", since I never took "Marketing I" or "Marketing II", but it doesn't seem to matter here. This class is probably going to be my favorite, as we'll be doing some BROADCASTING. I did the morning announcements that were actually shown live at 9:00 AM every morning (School started at 8:00) a few times while at Hunt Middle School. This is just going to be on the School radio station, though, but should still be fun. Mr. Ogden did the afternoon announcements and "joke of the day" (which was always VERY corny) over the intercom, but he got "fired". We'll be able to make advertisements and spots on the radio between songs (it's an oldies, 50's-to-possibly-80's, station, since a lot of the more recent music supposively has rough language, but we might get some other stuff on there soon). Today, we just did the same assignment we did to start Digitools last year: a personal opinions sheet where we answer questions like "Coke or Pepsi?" and "Worst Movie Ever?". I like Pepsi a LITTLE more, and never saw an absolutely TERRIBLE movie that I can remember (probably 'cause it was so terrible).

Thanks for reading. Andrew Brinkerhoff, out.