Thursday, June 11, 2009

Finally, My Finals are Finally Finished! (FINALLY!)

(note: Anyone who can say the title line 5 times fast wins 10 bucks. Okay, just kidding.)

So I've been stressed the past couple of days, because I had a lot of work on my hands. One was designing a brochure for a theme park based on "Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare (really boring play, BTW), which was much more fun than reading the actual play, but I almost thought I was doing something wrong, and that my English teacher (this was my final project in Sopho. English) had changed something in the directions, but I showed her what I had, and she said it was fine for me to turn in this monday (due date).

Next up, a Sex/Abstinence poster for Personal Choices class. This really wasn't too hard, I just had to do an acrostic using the word CONSEQUENCES, and get some pictures related to the topic (STDs).

DETOUR: I was contemplating on the bus home yesterday about looking up pictures on Google Images, and that if I punched in "sex", I'd get a bunch of nude photos, then someone would see what I was doing, and think I was looking at porn, and I'd be sent to see some counselor. No thank you.


Finally, Mr. Stricker, my Biology teacher, gave us what LOOKED like a truckload of homework (the way he wrote in on the board made it look like 9 ASSIGNMENTS), which I had to get done by today, assigned Tuesday. Turns out that paying more attention, I only had 5 assignments, and today I had another empty 4th period. It was a make-up day, but I had a 95% (A) grade, so I didn't have anything to make up. Instead, I went to hang out in Mr. Stricker's classroom and finish my work using the books that our assignments were based out of (no other classroom has these books, annoying, I know), and only had a little more work to do by 6th period, which I finished. Then I got to play some Mario Kart 64 (Stricker was nice enough to bring in his Nintendo 64 and let us play on it when we get free time). It was good times.

So, while I thought yesterday that it was the end of the world, it turns out it was no big deal after all. Echoing my last post, SWEET!

From Roo to YOU.


  1. That is wonderful Andy. I don't need to tell you that all of that hard work will pay off, because I know that YOU know that. But I guess I will anyway.
    Way to go Andy! You know one day all of that hard work will really pay off!
    One more thing, I loved seeing the "from Roo to YOU" sign off!
