Thursday, June 25, 2009
Short-lived Awesomeness is still Awesomeness
It's this short from the late 60's called "Bambi Meets Godzilla", and it's only 1 min., 30 seconds long. Nuff said, watch the video:
Brinkerhoff, out.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
...And now I'm a JUNIOR!!!
I just got home probably 5 minutes ago, and will most likely join in the party that Cindy's throwing for the PJ's.
Now that I've said this, let me just say that today may have been the most BORING day at school I've ever had to sit through.
First off, not everyone showed up for the 3-1/2 hour last day (though I can't really blame them). I had a really hard time sleeping last night, and got out of bed so tired I felt lightheaded.
Also, for 4th period P.E., since no one else was there, I spent most of the period running errands, one of which included carrying a 50-pound (well, it felt like 50 pounds) recycle bin clear across the building (did I mention I was tired?).
5th period felt so incredibly long I thought I'd fall asleep, and actually wouldn't have minded finishing "Julius Caesar" just to get through it. 6th period Biology, Mr. Stricker still had the N64 console and everything, and I got to play for a little bit, so this was all right...
Finally, at 10:40, the buses pulled in to the pick-up zone, and I climbed onto the bus for the last time. Bummer is that my friend Aidan is moving on Saturday to Bellevue, and he was my best friend there. But, considering Bellevue is the second-best city to live in, I shouldn't feel too bad. Besides, he has a Facebook!
Anyway, despite how boring this school day was (and pointless), it feels good to be 2 years away from graduation!
Andrew Brinkerhoff, Junior student, out.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday Movie-Going
I have been loving these PIXAR movies since I saw Toy Story at the age of... gee, I don't remember, and after watching WALL-E for the second time (on our Netflix Instant Queue, comes with TiVO), and actually enjoying it even more than the first watch, I was fired up for this new one...
Well, I wasn't disappointed.
BUT, this movie is just a bit different than the trailers and commercials have been suggesting. It's actually a darker movie than other PIXAR offerings, and has a very sad backstory that deals with the loss of a loved one (my Mom was crying during the prologue, I didn't cry, but I usually never cry at movies anyway). Also, it was a little predictable, as probably halfway through, I knew where the story was going...
That said, all of the characters (except for the villain who I'm not going to give away) were very funny, particularly Dug the talking dog- SQUIRREL!-, and the movie was definitely somewhat out of left-field (as you may expect from a movie about an old man tying thousands of balloons to his house to fly it like an airship).
So, it's highly recommended from me, just keep in mind that if you don't know what the backstory is, or if you cry at movies, bring some tissues along...Andrew Brinkerhoff, going "up" to bed, for it is late, and I am tired- SQUIRREL!- and I'm out of school on Thursday! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Finally, My Finals are Finally Finished! (FINALLY!)
So I've been stressed the past couple of days, because I had a lot of work on my hands. One was designing a brochure for a theme park based on "Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare (really boring play, BTW), which was much more fun than reading the actual play, but I almost thought I was doing something wrong, and that my English teacher (this was my final project in Sopho. English) had changed something in the directions, but I showed her what I had, and she said it was fine for me to turn in this monday (due date).
Next up, a Sex/Abstinence poster for Personal Choices class. This really wasn't too hard, I just had to do an acrostic using the word CONSEQUENCES, and get some pictures related to the topic (STDs).
DETOUR: I was contemplating on the bus home yesterday about looking up pictures on Google Images, and that if I punched in "sex", I'd get a bunch of nude photos, then someone would see what I was doing, and think I was looking at porn, and I'd be sent to see some counselor. No thank you.
Finally, Mr. Stricker, my Biology teacher, gave us what LOOKED like a truckload of homework (the way he wrote in on the board made it look like 9 ASSIGNMENTS), which I had to get done by today, assigned Tuesday. Turns out that paying more attention, I only had 5 assignments, and today I had another empty 4th period. It was a make-up day, but I had a 95% (A) grade, so I didn't have anything to make up. Instead, I went to hang out in Mr. Stricker's classroom and finish my work using the books that our assignments were based out of (no other classroom has these books, annoying, I know), and only had a little more work to do by 6th period, which I finished. Then I got to play some Mario Kart 64 (Stricker was nice enough to bring in his Nintendo 64 and let us play on it when we get free time). It was good times.
So, while I thought yesterday that it was the end of the world, it turns out it was no big deal after all. Echoing my last post, SWEET!
From Roo to YOU.
Monday, June 8, 2009
High Grades to Finish Off the Year!
The quiz, well, I didn't do GREAT on it, or at least I don't think I did, getting 23 points out of ???, but one guy behind me had 9, another 4, and probably some above 10. So I did a good job there.
The MAMMALS TEST, I got a 100% on, highest score in the class. The two students that had made the test (Mr. Stricker often has some students be Teacher's Assistants) said they were totally excited when they saw I got a perfect score, since no one else had managed a 100% (no offense to the other students, that test was NOT EASY...).
So it looks like I'll be finishing this semester in Biology out in style. SWEET!!!
Janice's delightful nephew, out. (I just had to say that)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
All my friends at school have a Facebook, all of my family members have a Facebook, so I figured since I don't want to be left out, I should have one too. So, as of less than an hour ago, I have a Facebook profile. I'll just try not to get too absorbed in it...
Marvin out.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Good Deed for the Day
But when we finished, I noticed a black hooded "Foss Baseball" sweatshirt laying on the ground beside the track. The sweater was back-side up, so I saw the name of the owner on the back.
So I kept the sweater with me through lunch and 5th period, then in 6th period, I gave it back to its rightful owner (the one who dropped it is one of my Biology classmates), and she thanked me for getting it back to her.
This answers a hypothetical question: If you see a sweater lying on the ground and you recognize the last name on the back of it, do you pick it up and get it back to its owner, or just leave it lying there?
My answer: PICK IT UP!
Andrew Brinkerhoff... gee, I've run out of ideas of how to finish this line. Can you give me some suggestions?