Forgot to post about this last night...
Yesterday was quite a day for sure. First, every Friday in P.E. (4th period) we have free day in the pool. So I got to do some wicked jumps off the diving board...
At our local recreation center pool, they just took out the diving boards they used to have, so the next two or so Fridays are the last times I'll be using a diving board for a while!
Just next period, after lunch, we had our yearly (it's supposed to be done every semester, but we didn't get around to that this year) fire evacuation drill. It was basically like a normal fire drill, except after walking out to parking lot (all 1,000 students/faculty/staff/etc.), we THEN walked all the way to Cheney Stadium (which is just next door to our school). I was glad I left my stuff in the classroom, because (1) It was hot outside, and (2) It was a bit of a hike getting there (and back).
Less than an hour later, I was picked up by my Mom to go up to a going-away party for one of her co-workers, with whom I've been buddies with since I was 6 years old. We were always calling each other "gross-out buddies", since we used to always sing about gross stuff, and stuff like that. But, for the sake of those with weaker stomachs, I'm not going to recite one of those songs...
Finally, at 8:00, Kaylee and I went roller-skating. I participated in the boys' skating race done every half-hour, just me and another guy my age. I lost to him, but I got a prize for participating: a coupon for a small soda, and the guy who won actually shook my hand and said, "Good game."
We got home at 10-something, after stopping at DQ for some Dilly Bars, then I spent the rest of the night being useless. But hey, isn't that what Friday nights are for?
Andrew Brinkerhoff, out.
On A Quiet Sunday Morning
12 years ago
Wouldn't it be terribly ironic if while everybody was out of the building the school actually did catch on fire?