Friday, May 22, 2009

No Shave for 2 Weeks...

For a while now, I've been shaving regularly. I was curious what would happen if I went for a while without shaving...

So, starting two Thursdays ago, I went without shaving for a week (ending last Thursday), then I thought that wasn't enough, so I went for ANOTHER week.

So, yesterday was my 2 week anniversary of the day I stopped shaving (the crowd goes wild), and this is what I looked like:

Just to show what a difference this non-shaving period made, here's some pictures of what I looked like after I shaved a few minutes after the above pictures were taken:

So, it looks like 2 weeks of shaving DOES do something. I wonder what would've happened if I had done it for a month...

Andrew Brinkerhoff, signing off... and SHAVEN!

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