Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Classic Rodney and Jim Wednesday

Now, before I get to the strip for this week, I want to give a little background...

A long time back, someone put up a video on YouTube, called "Peanut Butter Jelly Time", and it became an instant internet phenomenon. Here it is (if you don't watch it, you won't get the strip...)

Now, with that out of the way (you didn't watch the whole video, did you???), here's this week's strip:

Andrew Brinkerhoff, gone with the wind...

1 comment:

  1. Thank GOODNESS you hated that PBJ clip! I actually watched most of it (well I did fast forward about half of it)just to see if there was a payoff at the end.
    As if.
    So here you have me thinking to myself, "Geez, I really must be getting old because I can't see even the tiniest drop of entertainment value in this stupid clip." and of course then I thought "I hate to hurt Andrew's feelings by saying how much I did NOT enjoy it" but then I read the R&J and realized that I wasn't too old it just plain was a really awful video.

    So final score;

    Stupid PBJ video with a big, badly rendered, cartoon, banana. .0

    Andrew's Rodney and Jim strip satirizing the stupid PBJ YouTube video with a big, badly rendered, cartoon banana. . . 100!
