Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Kid in the Back of the Theatre...

Today, Mom and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie (I've seen all but this one on opening night, but didn't make it for this one). The movie was awesome, sad, but awesome. There were just two small things that were a little distracting:

1. I had to go "Numero Uno" about 1/4 of the way in, and for a 2 hour+ film, that's not a good thing, but the other one...

2. That 2-year-old in the back that wouldn't shut up.

About 5 minutes into the movie, this woman with three kids, aged 2, 4, and 5 (Mom guestimated), walks in and sits in the back. From that moment on, the 2-year-old continues to talk and talk and talk and talk, sometimes getting loud enough that the other viewers (including us) were getting distracted. She left at some point for a moment to calm her kid down, but then she came back in and sat down, and the kid just kept on chattering. Mom, irritated, managed to bite her tongue, but an older woman got up in the middle of the film and told the woman to take her kids out (again). The woman just said that "If you don't like dealing with it, you shouldn't have come to the movies." Bullcrap.

Seriously, you think that this movie is REALLY good to bring kids that age to? It's quite dark, especially the powerful, heartbreaking sequence near the end (sorry, slight spoiler). Yet, even during that part, the kid kept... FREAKIN'... talking. The mom did nothing about it, yet more people were getting irritated by it.

At the end, that same lady who stood up earlier asked for her money back, and the man she asked said she should've gotten up in the middle of the movie, and she got no refund.

According to Mom, kids don't need to see movies at the theatre until they're 4 or 5 years old, because the same sort of thing will happen.

At least at the movie theatre there's a way to get out for a while. It's even worse when you're on an airplane and you can't get up to move around at 35,000 feet. You have to deal with that kid the ENTIRE TIME.

Luckily, the kid was just a minor thing for me, and I was able to hold it for the 2 hrs. 10 min. we were watching the movie. I should win an award for that, actually...

Andrew Brinkerhoff, signing out of my Blogger Account (hey, there's a new one!).

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